Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Final Countdown

And so there I sat, well technically lay. On my bed. I had three painful hours to get through, but knew that even if I stopped watching the clock, my internal would not let me sleep. It’s a weird tradition, a strange event, an unusual feeling that happens to me once a year. It takes me back to being a kid and it brings back the memories of every passed year in which the same order of events have occurred.

As routine has now become I was listening to the local radio station. The last thing I expected was for the radio DJ to announce my name and wish me a pre-Happy Birthday. That was pretty cool even in my books, and yet I still have to wonder which of my friends, reminded them of the day I look forward to the most. My birthday.

I look forward to this day for some odd reason more than I look forward to anything else, sometimes I think it’s because of the attention I am allowed to claim or the fact that it’s my special day and no one else’s, like the right or deeds of night and day for 24 hours have been given solely to me, and in these 24hours I rule the realm in which we live. It is a good feeling.

Anyways so this year, obviously I’ve been so busy with work, I just didn’t plan anything; I also am so broke that planning anything would have been pointless. And so my housemates decided to plan for me. They had a bring and braai birthday celebration for me, on the evening of my birthday. It was amazing. There was good food, good people and many great memories made. And on top of it I got to play with a chameleon, a pregnant one who decided crawling all over me was not such a dangerous feat and that it would do so for a short period of time.

 It made my evening

Such a beautiful creature. I have never held one before, I am not even sure I’ve seen one in real life, even though there are many living on the tree’s surrounding our house here on the game reserve. But it just spoke to me, and it wasn’t threatened and I didn’t feel in danger so we bonded pretty quickly. It is a pity you can’t keep them as pets.

In other news, I have wedding’s coming out of my ears. We did one for almost 400pax that went as well as can be expected when:

-The guest list is composed of names like: Gogo 1, 2 and 3.
- When the groom and bride can’t make up their minds on whether they’re getting married or not, and where?
- When almost 400pax sneak in booze to the event and you’re left wondering how they got through security and what to do with at least 120 seriously drunk people?

So yes, it went as well as can be expected in such a situation.

This passed wedding however a day ago, was amazing! It was beautiful. The bride and groom were amazing, the guests were so joyful and helpful, excited and on top of things. It was only for 71pax, but it just ran with such ease, such confidence, such greatness. I loved it. The bride looked amazing, the flowers we’re beautiful, her colors were basically bush and brown tones and burn’t orange and when done well it works well. 

 Something along the lines of this.

So right now, I am drowning in people getting married, over time, work politics and that about sums it up! I will write soon, to catch everyone up on everything that’s been going on. It’s been an amazing ride so far!


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